
D. When a licensee is advertising…

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D. When a licensee is advertising their own property for sale, purchase or exchange which is not listed with a broker, the licensee must indicate that he or she is licensed. The disclosure of licensee’s status must be made in all forms of advertising enumerated in Rule 3.3 (A), including the “for sale” sign.

In addition to disclosing their licensed status in all advertisements, licensees are required to disclose their licensed status on all real estate contracts in which they have an ownership interest.

A licensee shall not advertise to sell, buy, exchange, auction, rent or lease property in a manner indicating that the offer to sell, buy, exchange, auction, rent, or lease such property is being made by a private party who is not engaged in the real estate business. No advertisement shall be inserted by a licensee in any publication where only a post office box number, telephone number, e-mail address or street address appears. Every licensee, when advertising real estate in any publication, shall indicate that the party advertising is licensed in real estate; whether on active or inactive status.

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